Gire, Amila, pesha 2.5 kg, diameter 50 mm, veshje gome

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1,500 Lekë
Copë (1 Copë)
Olympic size cast iron rubber coated discs, coated with 70% primary rubber. The process, to get a good result, is difficult and complex, while the quality varies from disc to disc. We will try to analyze the process and what the consumer should pay attention to before making the purchase. One of the first things that make a difference in the disk is the thickness. The reason is that cast iron is a mixture of iron and carbon. The thicker the disc, the less iron the mixture has, the product is cheaper but worse in quality. Also, the process of painting and polishing has a significant effect on the disk, as it protects it from rust. The next step is the rubber coating. Clothing, which is mainly made of recycled rubber with 30% purity, rubber that keeps smell and is easily breakable. Amila weight discs are made from 70% virgin rubber and the rest recycled rubber. This ensures a safe, odor-free garment with long-term protection.
Specifikime teknike
  • Diametri i aksit: 50 mm
  • Modeli: Olimpik
  • Materiali: Metalik me veshje gome
  • Pesha: 2.5 kg
  • Marka: Amila
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